Joe Louis finds air conditioning


Thailand is a hot, sweaty place. Your hair gets sticky, your underwear wet. And that’s just from walking casually.

Fortunately, the sweltering streets of Thailand are well equipped to quench the need for a relieving cool down. You don’t have to look very far to find a savior: ice cream stands! Not just the cooler units packed with Magnum bars (although those are pretty good). I’m talking about street food vendors that make ice cream right before your very eyes.

Not only is the food delicious and comes in a variety of different flavors, but the actual making of the ice cream “crepe” is an experience on its own. It only takes about a minute for vendors to cook up on a hot tabletop, but it is fun to watch as they lay out each ingredient before you and put it all together. Yummy!


See what other websites are saying about Thai ice cream:

“While modern Thais in places like Bangkok will often have ice cream in a cone or in a sundae dish, most other Thais outside the city still eat it “the traditional way”. That means two or three scoops of ice cream are served inside a hot dog bun that is first covered with a thin layer of sticky rice — and then topped with a variety of traditional toppings.”

“A street vendor in Phuket, Thailand makes us some instant chocolate, banana & strawberry ice cream rolls.”

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